API Keys
4EVERLAND AI RPC API keys are essential for accessing and using the 4EVERLAND platform's AI RPC services. This document provides instructions on creating API keys, setting monthly limits, and understanding the usage limits for API keys.
Creating a New API Key
Visit the 4EVERLAND Dashboard and enter your credentials to log in.
On the left-hand sidebar, select the "AI RPC" option.
Click on the "Keys" tab in the top navigation bar, and then select "Create New Key."
Set Key Name and Monthly Limits:
Specify a unique "Key Name" for identification.
Define the "Monthly Limits" for the key to regulate the monthly consumption of LAND.
Click "Create" to generate the new API key.
Monthly Limits: Each API key can have a monthly consumption limit for LAND. If the usage exceeds the set limit, the key will become inactive until the next month. It's important to note that the monthly limits can be modified after they have been initially set.
Usage Limits
Each user has a maximum allowance of 10 API keys.
The usage is limited to 20 requests per second per key.
If you have any questions, please join our Discord server, or send us an email at contact@4everland.org.
Last updated