Please read the following to understand how to use the AWS SDK - Java with the 4EVERLAND Bucket. Combine the AWS SDK API for the Java language with the 4EVERLAND Bucket to achieve file uploads to the IPFS or Arweave storage networks.
If you need to use Arweave storage, you need to create an Arweave bucket. Click to learn more .
To obtain the corresponding API key in the bucket, click to learn more .
Development Examples
Create a bucket
: The desired bucket name to create
: Bucket-Access Keys-API key
: Bucket-Access Keys-API Secret
: Default filled in with "4everland"
Copy import com . amazonaws . AmazonServiceException ;
import com . amazonaws . SdkClientException ;
import com . amazonaws . auth . profile . ProfileCredentialsProvider ;
import com . amazonaws . regions . Regions ;
import com . amazonaws . services . s3 . AmazonS3 ;
import com . amazonaws . services . s3 . AmazonS3ClientBuilder ;
import com . amazonaws . services . s3 . model . CreateBucketRequest ;
import com . amazonaws . services . s3 . model . GetBucketLocationRequest ;
import java . io . IOException ;
public class CreateBucket2 {
public static void main ( String [] args) throws IOException {
String bucketName = "new-bucketname" ;
String accessKey = "4EVERLAND-Bucket-APIKey" ;
String secretKey = "4EVERLAND-Bucket-APISecret" ;
String endpoint_url = "" ;
String region = "4everland" ;
try {
AmazonS3ClientBuilder . standard ();
AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey , secretKey) ;
AmazonS3 s3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder . standard ()
. withCredentials (credentials)
. withEndpointConfiguration ( new AwsClientBuilder . EndpointConfiguration (endpoint_url , region))
. build ();
if ( ! s3Client . doesBucketExistV2 (bucketName)) {
s3Client . createBucket ( new CreateBucketRequest(bucketName) );
String bucketLocation = s3Client . getBucketLocation ( new GetBucketLocationRequest(bucketName) );
System . out . println ( "Bucket location: " + bucketLocation);
} catch ( AmazonServiceException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
} catch ( SdkClientException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
Upload a file
: Your bucket name
: The name of the file to be uploaded
: The name of the file to be uploaded
: The path of the file to be uploaded
: Bucket-Access Keys-API key
: Bucket-Access Keys-API Secret
Default filled in with "4everland"
Copy import com . amazonaws . AmazonServiceException ;
import com . amazonaws . SdkClientException ;
import com . amazonaws . regions . Regions ;
import com . amazonaws . services . s3 . AmazonS3 ;
import com . amazonaws . services . s3 . AmazonS3ClientBuilder ;
import com . amazonaws . services . s3 . model . ObjectMetadata ;
import com . amazonaws . services . s3 . model . PutObjectRequest ;
import java . io . File ;
import java . io . IOException ;
public class UploadObject {
public static void main ( String [] args) throws IOException {
String bucketName = "4everland-bucketname" ;
String stringObjKeyName = "object-name" ;
String fileObjKeyName = "object-name" ;
String fileName = "/path/to/4everland/4ever.png" ;
String accessKey = "4EVERLAND-Bucket-APIKey" ;
String secretKey = "4EVERLAND-Bucket-APISecret" ;
String endpoint_url = "" ;
String region = "4everland" ;
try {
AWSCredentials credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey , secretKey) ;
AmazonS3 s3Client = AmazonS3ClientBuilder . standard ()
. withCredentials (credentials)
. withEndpointConfiguration ( new AwsClientBuilder . EndpointConfiguration (endpoint_url , region))
. build ();
s3Client . putObject (bucketName , stringObjKeyName , "Uploaded String Object" );
PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName , fileObjKeyName , new File(fileName)) ;
ObjectMetadata metadata = new ObjectMetadata() ;
metadata . setContentType ( "plain/text" );
metadata . addUserMetadata ( "title" , "someTitle" );
request . setMetadata (metadata);
s3Client . putObject (request);
} catch ( AmazonServiceException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
} catch ( SdkClientException e) {
e . printStackTrace ();
Requesting IPFS CID and Arweave Hash
: The bucket name where the target file is stored
: The name of the target file
Copy HeadObjectRequest headObjectRequest = HeadObjectRequest . builder ()
. bucket ( "4everland-bucketname" )
. key ( "your-object-name" )
. build ();
HeadObjectResponse headObjectResponse = s3Client . headObject (headObjectRequest);
System . out . println ( "ipfs hash: " + headObjectResponse . metadata () . get ( "ipfs-hash" );
//If it is an Arweave type of bucket.
System . out . println ( "arweave hash: " + headObjectResponse . metadata () . get ( "arweave-hash" );
Last updated 10 months ago