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Although IPFS and Arweave are public networks, 4EVERLAND does not disclose the information held on our system with anyone.
You can delete data related with your account, and it will no longer appear on your Dashboard page. However, nodes in the IPFS decentralized storage network are permitted to keep copies of the data indefinitely. 4EVERLAND should not be used for data that will need to be permanently deleted in the future.
Data is able to be stored forever due to the combination of an economic incentive structure that enables the storers of the data to be paid over long periods of time and the innovation of technology around a blockchain database that Arweave calls a blockweave.
There are no imposed limitations on this service. However, if your directory is huge or contains a significant number of files, uploading may be problematic owing to memory constraints (particularly if you are uploading to a website via a browser or if the directory size exceeds the device's RAM) or connectivity issues.
If this is the case, we recommend dividing your directory into smaller ones.
It depends on the platform you choose on 4EVERLAND, but of course normally the data will be available indefinitely in IPFS and Arweave.
Simply go to Project > Settings > Gits > Production Branch and turn the 'Deploy Hook' option on or off.
Using an HTTP gateway to retrieve content from IPFS has the potential to create a single point of failure. Users accessing content through a specific gateway may be unable to view the content if that gateway is shut down, overloaded, or experiencing other troubles.
We propose trying another gateway or running and using your own IPFS node in this scenario.
The content uploaded or snapshot through 4EVERLAND will be pinned to multiple IPFS nodes globally, and continuously broadcasted to the IPFS network to increase the chances of the file being retrieved. However, due to the inherent characteristics of IPFS, sometimes, the initial loading of data on gateways such as may take a considerable amount of time to synchronize data, depending on the performance of the gateway itself, especially when there is a large number of files or when the gateway receives data in different ways. If users encounter difficulties in correctly loading uploaded content on the gateway, it is recommended to make multiple attempts or switch to a different gateway for loading.
On Opensea, your newly created NFT may also encounter similar issues, resulting in the inability to correctly load the NFT's images and other content on Opensea. In such cases, you can try manually refreshing the metadata by following the steps below to ensure the correct loading and display of content data:
Navigate to in a web browser.
Enter the name of the NFT project for which you want to refresh metadata, then click on the project name link (ensure to click on a verified collection link, indicated by a blue checkmark).
Click on the NFT asset on the project page.
Click on the three-dot menu at the top right of the page, and select "Refresh metadata." Then, refresh the page.
The metadata will refresh within a few minutes, but if there is severe congestion and users are refreshing the metadata of their assets, the refresh time may be longer. See the screenshot below, which displays the icon to click for refreshing OpenSea metadata:
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