IPFS Image Optimizer

The 4EVERLAND Optimizer is a real-time dynamic image optimization service that automatically optimizes images to accelerate image transmission speed and save bandwidth.

Due to the inability of CID to directly represent file types, when using a dedicated gateway for trimming, it is necessary to include the additional parameter 'optimizer=image' in the request.

API Usage:

Request Format: {yourGateway}.4everland.link/ipfs/{cid}?{parameter}={value}&optimizer=image


To crop the CID image bafkreiebfj3ivxh7utbetgtettfaob7mze6xnd55evijdyfpdcbz6wlbty to a width of 150, with an aspect ratio of 2:3, the API request would be: https://aaaaaaa.4everland.link/ipfs/bafkreiebfj3ivxh7utbetgtettfaob7mze6xnd55evijdyfpdcbz6wlbty?width=150&aspect_ratio=2:3&optimizer=image

Request Result:

Original Image Before Processing:

Optimizer does not support the use of custom Bucket gateways at this time.



Parameter: width Units: Pixels Default: auto

Resize the output image to the given width maintaining the current aspect ratio.

Aspect Ratio Crop has priority over the Width or Height commands. If the Aspect Ratio Crop is defined in the query and is not set to auto, it will be applied first.

Aspect Ratio Crop has priority over the Width or Height commands. If the Aspect Ratio Crop is defined in the query and is not set to auto, it will be applied first.




Parameter: height Units: Pixels Default: auto

Resize the output image to the given width maintaining the current aspect ratio.



Aspect Ratio Crop

Parameter: aspect_ratio Units: Pixels Default: auto

Crop the output image to match the given aspect ratio. The default origin point (gravity) is positioned on the center of the image.




Parameter: quality Units: Percent Range: 0-100 Default: 85

Determines the compression level of the resulting image with 100 being the lowest level of compression and 0 being the highest. Higher compression means smaller files, but might visually degrade the image (e.g. JPEG compression under 70 tends to produce visible artefacts.




Parameter: sharpen Units: Boolean Default: false

Sharpen the output image.




Parameter: blur Units: Number Range: 0-100 Default: 0

Blur the output image.




Parameter: crop Units: Pixels Format 1: width,height Format 2: width,height,x,y

Crop the output image to the given width and height. Two formats are accepted. Format 1 one only includes the width and height of the crop. Format 2 also includes the X and Y position where the crop should start. Image resizing with the width and height parameters is processed after the crop and the resized measurements apply.

If only width and height are given, the Crop Gravity parameter will be used.



Crop Gravity

Parameter: crop_gravity Default: center

Values: center, forget, east, north, south, west, northeast, northwest, southeast, southwest

Set the gravity of the crop operation. This is used with the Format 1 cropping only and snaps the crop to the selected position.




Parameter: flip Units: Boolean Default: false

Flip the output image vertically.




Parameter: flop Units: Boolean Default: false

Flip the output image horizontally.




Parameter: brightness Units: Number Range: -100-100 Default: 0

Adjusts the brightness of the output image. This can either brighten or darker the image.




Parameter: saturation Units: Number Range: -100 - 100 Default: 0

Adjusts the saturation of the output image. Use -100 for grayscale.




Parameter: hue Units: Number Range: 0-100 Default: 0

Adjusts the hue of the output image by rotating the color wheel. The default value of 0 is the base color and increasing the value modulates to the next color for each 33 change.




Parameter: contrast Units: Number Range: -100 - 100 Default: 0

Adjusts the contrast of the output image.



Automatic Optimization

Parameter: auto_optimize Units: String Values: low,medium,high Default: none

Automatically enhance the output image with multiple levels of optimizations. With high, sharpening is also applied automatically.




Parameter: sepia Units: Integer Values: 0 - 100 Default: 0

Changes the image color to the sepia color scheme.



Last updated