Login options

4EVERLAND currently supports two types of login, wallet login and Github account login.

Wallet login

Select your usual wallet on the following page and wait for the wallet to respond.

Select 'Sign' in the pop-up box to authorize.

Please visit the following sub-pages to find more information about the wallets.

MetaMaskPhantomLilicoPetraOKX Wallet

Github login

Github registration for new users is not currently supported. If you are an early registered member, please link your Github account to 4EVRLAND by doing the following:

Click to 'Continue with Github'.

Sign in to your Github account on the pop-up page.

Now you have successfully logged into 4EVERLAND, and you will be redirected to the Dashboard page, please read the 'Usage Introduction' page to find out how the Dashboard works.

For more on InfoSec, please check out the page Security.

Last updated