Please read the following to understand how to use the 4EVERLAND Bucket with AWS SDK - .NET. This guide outlines the integration of AWS SDK API for .NET with the 4EVERLAND Bucket to facilitate file uploads to the IPFS or Arweave storage networks.


Development Examples

Create a bucket


accessKey: Bucket-Access Keys-API Key

secretKey: Bucket-Access Keys-API Secret

namespace CreateBucket
    using System;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Amazon.S3;
    using Amazon.S3.Model;

    public class CreateBucket
        public static async Task Main()

            // Specify a name for the new bucket.
            const string newBucketName = "bucketname";

                string accessKey = "4EVERLAND-Bucket-APIKey";
                string secretKey = "4EVERLAND-Bucket-APISecret";
                var config = new AmazonS3Config()
                ServiceURL = string.Format(""),
                ForcePathStyle = true,
            var client = new AmazonS3Client(accessKey, secretKey, config);
            Console.WriteLine($"\nCreating a new bucket, named: {newBucketName}.");

            await CreatingBucketAsync(client, newBucketName);


        static async Task CreatingBucketAsync(IAmazonS3 client, string bucketName)
                var putBucketRequest = new PutBucketRequest
                    BucketName = bucketName,
                    UseClientRegion = true,

                var putBucketResponse = await client.PutBucketAsync(putBucketRequest);

            catch (AmazonS3Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error creating bucket: '{ex.Message}'");


Upload a file

bucket-name: Your bucket name

accessKey: Bucket-Access Keys-API Key

secretKey: Bucket-Access Keys-API Secret

/path/to/object: The file path for the file to be uploaded

objectname: The name of the file to be uploaded

namespace UploadObjectExample
    using System;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using Amazon.S3;
    using Amazon.S3.Model;

    public class UploadObject
        private static IAmazonS3 _s3Client;

        private const string bucket-name = "4everland-bucketname";
        private const string objectname = "object-name";

        private static string LOCAL_PATH = "/path/to/object";

        public static async Task Main()
                string accessKey = "4EVERLAND-Bucket-APIKey";
                string secretKey = "4EVERLAND-Bucket-APISecret";
                var config = new AmazonS3Config()
                ServiceURL = string.Format(""),
                ForcePathStyle = true,
            _s3Client = new AmazonS3Client(accessKey, secretKey, config);

            // The method expects the full path, including the file name.
            var path = $"{LOCAL_PATH}/{OBJECT_NAME1}";

            await UploadObjectFromFileAsync(_s3Client, bucket-name, objectname, path);
        static async Task UploadObjectFromFileAsync(
            IAmazonS3 client,
            string bucketName,
            string objectName,
            string filePath)
                var putRequest = new PutObjectRequest
                    BucketName = bucketName,
                    Key = objectName,
                    FilePath = filePath,
                    ContentType = "text/plain",

                putRequest.Metadata.Add("x-amz-meta-title", "FileName");

                PutObjectResponse response = await client.PutObjectAsync(putRequest);
            catch (AmazonS3Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error: {e.Message}");


Requesting IPFS CID and Arweave Hash

Bucket: The bucket name where the target file is stored

Key: The path of the target file

var request = new GetObjectMetadataRequest
     BucketName = "4everlandbucket",
     Key = "/path/to/4everland/4ever.png"
var response = await client.GetObjectMetadataAsync(request);
// 获取文件的metadata
var ipfsHash = response.Metadata["ipfs-hash"];
var arweaveHash = response.Metadata["arweave-hash"];
Console.WriteLine($"IPFS Hash: {ipfsHash}");
//If it is an Arweave type of bucke
 Console.WriteLine($"Arweave Hash: {arweaveHash}");

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