Project Setting


Project Name

Used to identify your Project in the Dashboard, and in the URL of your Deployments.

Project ID

Used when interacting with the 4EVERLAND API.

Build Configuration

When using a framework of a new project, it will be automatically detected. As a result, several project settings are automatically configured to achieve the best result. You can override them below.

Root Directory

The directory within your project, in which your code is located. Leave this field empty if your code is not located in a subdirectory. A new Deployment is required for your changes to take effect.


Domains that are assigned to your Production Deployments.

Environment Variable

In order to provide your Deployment with Environment Variables at Build and Runtime, you may enter them right here, for the Environment of your choice.



If a URL doesn't exist, it will be redirected to the specified target location.

Directory Listing

If no index file is present within a directory, the directory contents will be displayed.

Your Statistics

DApps statistics are displayed on the 4EVERLAND website. If you don't want to display it, close the button to hide DApps statistics, but all your data is still visible.

Delete Project

The project will be deleted permanently including deployments and domains. You can't undo this action.

Last updated