
Build Tips

If your build fails, the first thing you should check is whether you can build your files locally in your development environment.

If building locally is successful, then you should check that the dependencies installed by 4EVERLAND are the same as those used locally. For example, you may need to specify the Node.js version.

Command not found

If your build fails and the command is not found, then your dependencies are not installed. To install your dependencies, upload a configuration file for your NodeJS application, such as package.json, listing all required dependencies.

Always on deployment?

Sites with large numbers of HTML files often take a lot of time to deploy.

404 error

If no file is found, IPFS will search for a file named ipfs-404.html in the path of the request. This file can be used to display 404 errors or redirects.

Custom DNS Domain issues

You need to first check that your site is visible on the "Verify on IPFS" link on the 4EVERLAND dashboard.

To use a custom domain, what type of records do I need to set with my DNS provider?

You would need to set ANAME/ALIAS records for the root domain, and CNAME records for your subdomains (such as www or any other subdomain). If you have activated DNSLINK, it will also require you to configure CNAME records.

ANAME and ALIAS are interchangeable terms, and in either case, you may encounter a platform name record. It will work in both scenarios.

Can I use an IP address to set up a custom domain?

No, we no longer support configuring custom domains using IP addresses. We only use ANAME/ALIAS and CNAME records.

Can I use an A record instead of ANAME/ALIAS?

No, an A record is different from ANAME/ALIAS, and attempting to use either one to configure your DNS domain will result in the verification process failing in 4EVERLAND.

What should I do if my provider does not support ANAME/ALIAS records?

Some providers, such as Google Domains and GoDaddy, do not support ANAME/ALIAS records. You have two choices to address this issue.

  1. Transfer your domain to a compatible provider. If your domain registrar/DNS provider does not support ANAME/ALIAS records, you can transfer your domain to another platform that supports them. Some services facilitate this, such as Namecheap. However, the transfer process may vary and could require some time.

  2. Change the domain's name servers to Cloudflare. This is the solution we recommend. In addition to initiating the domain transfer process, you can also change the domain's name servers to point to Cloudflare and manage your DNS settings within Cloudflare. Cloudflare supports ANAME/ALIAS records. They need to be set up as CNAME in Cloudflare, but they will be automatically detected and function properly. This does not require you to transfer your domain and is faster and free.

I am using Google Domains and do not want to use Cloudflare.

For those using Google Domains who do not want to use Cloudflare, there is a workaround. This trick may apply to other providers that offer domain forwarding from the top-level domain to subdomains.

Here is a detailed guide explaining how to perform this operation. The idea is that Google Domains does not support ANAME/ALIAS records for the top-level domain ( However, what you can do on Google Domains is forward the top level domain to a subdomain (

In 4EVERLAND, subdomains use CNAME records, so you can validate it through this trick to make www.your website's main entry point.

Can't access your ENS domain through any browser?

Your browser may not natively support parsing ENS domains. Install the MetaMask wallet browser extension to add support for ENS to any browser.

Exit status 128 error

If your build fails with an exit status of 128, this may mean that we no longer have access to your GitHub repository. Make sure your repository is public, or that you grant us access through your GitHub login when you provide the link to the repository.

Three possible scenarios causing "No Results Found" during github connecting

Scenario 1: Your account is new on GitHub, and you do not have any repositories.

Scenario 2: Hosting is unlinked from your GitHub account. To resolve this, go to the project details, then navigate to settings and click on "Connect to GitHub" to install the Git organization app. However, make sure not to install the Git app. After completing these steps, when you deploy the project, your Git account should display the repositories.

Scenario 3: The user has hidden their personal information in GitHub's settings under "Public File - Contributions & Activity." Due to this, the dashboard cannot access the repository information. Solution: To resolve this, go to the settings on GitHub, open the respective switch, and refresh the dashboard interface. After doing this, the hosting connection to GitHub should display the user's projects in the repositories section.

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Last updated