IPFS Hosting

What is IPFS?

Interplanetary File System, also known as IPFS, is a decentralized peer-to-peer protocol for storing and retrieving files or websites.

Since IPFS is a peer-to-peer network protocol, each client (also known as a peer or node) is connected to every other peer, enabling it to function as both the client and the server at the same time, as opposed to each client being connected to a host server as in the client-server paradigm.

With this configuration, any peer can serve any requested file or website and be a productive member of the network to provide high availability, reliability, and resiliency to network outages or disruptions.

With IPFS, peers are able to pool their resources such as storage space or internet bandwidth to ensure that files are always available, resilient to outages, and most importantly, decentralized.


4EVERLAND's IPFS hosting service allows you to easily deploy your site to the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS), a distributed file storage system that offers high performance, reliability, and security. When you deploy your site to 4EVERLAND, it will have an IPFS hash that you can use to access and share your site.

In addition to the IPFS hash, 4EVERLAND's IPFS hosting service also includes a Content Delivery Network (CDN), a free SSL certificate, and a sample URL from 4EVERLAND. This makes it easy to get started with hosting and deploying your site to IPFS, even if you are new to the platform.

Furthermore, you can add ENS/SNS domains, add custom domains, and set deploy previews to customize and manage your site on 4EVERLAND. This provides additional flexibility and functionality for your site, helping you to optimize and manage your content more effectively.

Overall, 4EVERLAND's IPFS hosting service provides a powerful and flexible platform for hosting and deploying your site to IPFS, offering high performance, reliability, and security.

Getting Started

Getting Started with 4EVERLAND by deploying your first website. The quickest way to begin is by connecting your website's GitHub repository to deploy directly from there and allow for continuous deployment. If you so choose, you can also deploy by uploading the full code base for you website.

Creating a DeploymentDomain ManagementProject SettingTroubleshootingCommon FrameworksTutorials

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